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"I have developed this method over the last 10 years from studying and applying the most up-to-date scientific research, and from fighting through my own battles with food and exercise."


Eat More to Lose More

In this ebook I solve the most common and detrimental mistake you can make when trying to lose body-fat. I also guide you through exactly how to set-up the most successful fat-loss diet of yours yet!


If you've never been able to lose body-fat effectively OR if you have, but haven't been able to keep it off - then this is for you.


From purchasing this ebook you will gain all of the knowledge and understanding required to diet as effectively and enjoyably as you can. I guide you through the process step by step and provide you with a simple framework to work from - dieting for fat-loss will never have been so easy for you!

"I can guarantee that after reading this and applying my advice, dieting for fat-loss will never have been so easy for you."



The ebook covers how fat-loss diet's actually work, how to avoid making the most common and detrimental mistake when trying to lose body-fat, how to work out your dieting calories, how and when to make changes to your plan, what foods you should be consuming in your diet, how to track progress as effectively as possible, how to manage slip-ups, eating and drinking-out, how flexible you can be on your fat-loss diet, how long you can diet for, how to hold on to your results once achieved, and more! I also take you through a client case-study and provide you with a simple framework to work from. 


Throughout this ebook I refer to the most up-to-date scientific literature and combine this evidence with my coaching experience and personal journey to provide you with the most evidence-backed approach - this ensures the greatest possible dieting outcome for you.


"It's time for you, to not only, finally succeed in your fat-loss goals, but to ENJOY the entire process!"

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